American Legion Post 298
Marion Iowa 

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Breaking News - Just like the newschannels...

SAL E-Bike Raffle

Drawing 20 May

Chili Cook Off 22 Feb

Open to the public

These scholarship applications have specific conditions, so read each one thoroughly.  The due dates for the 2nd District and Legacy are not to our post!

Post 298 Legion Scholarship Application                 Due Date - March 29th      

Educational Trust Scholarship                                    Due Date - March 29th

Second District Merit Award Application                 Due Date 15 March

American Legion Legacy Scholarship                       Due March 26th

After Jan. 31, you will still be able to use your My HealtheVet portal by signing in with a or account, but the current process will have ended.

Get ahead of the change by following the link by clicking on the picture of the left of going to the step by step instructions here:

If the link in the picture doesn't work, the site is:

The Post General Membership meeting is at 7:30 PM on the second Monday of the month.

Our dues are $50 a year.

Telephone   319-377-8320

625 31st Street, Marion, IA  52302

To rent the hall for receptions, banquets, or other events,

 please call the post at 319-377-8320.

Since January of 2021, we have been streaming our meetings using Zoom.  That allowed members participating to mot only watch and hear the meeting live, but could vote on matters of post business.  7 was the largest number of members online at any meeting, but many months there were none.  Live streaming has now been suspended, but the meetings will continue to be recorded and placed on this page on this website

 Meetings Training and Links 

If members show an interest the streaming will be started again..  If you are interested, send an email to

View our January 2025 meeting

Welcome to American Legion Post 298 of Marion Iowa.  We are Iowa's biggest post, and proud of our facility and our members of the Entire Legion Family.  Post, Unit, Squadron and Riders Chapter 298 hope you will come visit us.

Still serving: it’s who we are

In 1919, The American Legion was founded on four pillars: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth. Each of these pillars encompasses a variety of programs that benefit our nation’s veterans, its service members, their families, the youth of America and ordinary citizens. These programs make a difference in hundreds of thousands of lives each year.

Our organization’s positions and programs are guided by resolutions passed by American Legion National Convention delegates, and by committee and commission members who represent 2.5 million wartime veterans and their families. These programs, and the men and women who take the time to perform them allow The American Legion to make a difference on the local, state and national levels.

It’s who we are and what we do.

Find out more here.

To join: 

Beginning July 1, 2011, all members of The American Legion were given the option to renew their membership and pay their dues online for the following  membership year. To learn more about the procedures, visit to view instructional videos.

Legion Meetings are the Second Monday of each month at 7:30 PM

To rent the hall for receptions, banquets, or other events,

 please call the post at 319-377-8320.

February  2025 newsletter

February 2025.pdf

Past Commander Jim Crowley's video message about our post can be seen by clicking here.

If you struggle with depression, this is a group that can help.  Click here.

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

The American Legion celebrated it's 100th year of service to the community, state and nation.  Post 298 is proud of it's Centennial Webpage.   Most of our history is on the Centennial Page.

 It can be found here.

The Iowa Veterans Home has been working to record the stories of veterans in residence.  You can view some here   

Our Constitution and Bylaws are below

American Legion Post 298 Constitution Nov_2024 update(1).pdf
Post 298 ByLaws Nov_2024 update Rev2.pdf

The American Legion stands for a strong America. There is no better way to bring this about than to work with the youth of our land in preparing them to meet the tasks they will face in the years to come. Through its many youth activities, The American Legion is playing the leading role in developing future citizens of America. 

Our Beginnings

  The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, mutual-help, war-time veterans organization. A community-service organization which now numbers nearly 3 million members -- men and women -- in nearly 15,000 American Legion Posts worldwide. These Posts are organized into 55 Departments -- one each for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, France, Mexico, and the Philippines. 

Who We Are

Since its chartering by Congress in 1919, The American Legion has been based on four founding principles:

These four founding principles are being implemented through some 57 Legion programs by Veterans who truly care about the fate of our nation and the kind of world which is left to our posterity. If you are a Veteran, "Get Involved" and continue to serve and preserve the nation you defended.

What We Do

Our Post strives to be much more than a club with a bar, but to give to the Community, State, and Nation.  What we have done in a typical year:

Donated classroom flags to Marion and Linn-Mar schools

1550 hours donated to VA Medical Center in Iowa City, Iowa

25 needy veterans helped

120 units of blood given

32 funeral honors given to veterans who need not be members

2 boys sent to Boys State

Sponsor Boy Scout Troop 58 and Cub Scout Pack 58

Conducted competition for American Legion Oratorical Contest

Conducted 5th grade Flag Essay Contest

Awarded over $4,000 in scholarships

Gave 15 Flag folding and etiquette programs at schools

Posted colors at all Marion and Linn-Mar High School football games

Sponsored 2 Legion Baseball teams

Provided color guards at various community and metropolitan functions

Members logged over 25,000 volunteer hours in the community

Participated in welcome back celebration for all Honor Flights

Provided Welcoming groups to Soldiers Returning from combat

Provided memberships to over 15 active duty / deployed service members

Participated in Operation Package Drop contributing money and donating supplies sent to deployed soldiers

Donated funds to:

Marion Parks and Recreation

Marion Library

Marion Heritage Center

American Red Cross

Foundation 2, children at risk agency

Four Oaks, mental health center

Tanager Place, child advocacy agency

Special Olympics

Camp Courageous

VA Disabled Veteran's Van

American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund

Cedar Rapids Freedom Foundation

Willis Dady Homeless Shelter

Links      The American Legion National web site  The Department of Iowa web site    2nd District web site    Linn County Veteran's Assistance site      The Disabled American Veterans      The Veterans of Foreign Wars     The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs     The P.O.W. Network site   The Iowa National Guard web site.    MyLegion


President Abraham Lincoln as stated in the Gettysburg Address 

 "From these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion - that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain."